Virtual job hunt

Preparing your application

Update your resume

As many organizations are shifting to work-from-home (WFH) models, try to emphasize skills, qualifications and past experiences that would help you thrive in a remote work environment. For example, effective time management, strong communication skills and experience working with online collaboration/communication tools (Google Docs, Dropbox, Slack, Skype) are all valuable in a WFH context. Using examples of how you adjusted to coursework online would strengthen your application.

Reflect on your VISTA

VISTA stands for values, interests, strengths, traits, and ambitions. This handy self-assessment tool is offered by UCalgary Career Services. Think about how your VISTA aligns with the requirements of the job posting and highlight those connections throughout your application.

Review the Schulich School of Engineering’s resources

Check out our Learning and Working Remotely tips to better understand how to work effectively from home. Think about how you can demonstrate your preparedness to work remotely to a potential employer.

Head back to our student resources page for other topics on working remotely

Related resources on the virtual job hunt

Searching for jobs

Resources and tips

Acing a virtual interview

Resources and tips

Responding to a virtual job offer

Resources and tips