Emmanuel Stefanakis
Department Head
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Geomatics Engineering
Contact information
Educational Background
PhD, Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 1997
MScE, Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 1994
Dipl.Eng, Rural and Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 1992
Since 1992, I have been involved in or led multiple research projects, primarily funded by Canadian agencies such as NSERC, NRCan, UNB, and UCalgary, as well as by the European Union (IST, COST, Telematics, Environment, TMR, ESPRIT) and the Greek government. I have served as an advisor or researcher at Hellenic Cadastre S.A., Intracom S.A., Hellenic Documentation Centre, and Fraunhofer Gesellschaft - AIS Institute in Germany. Since 1999, I have been a University Professor with extensive service records at multiple academic institutions in Canada and Europe. In September 2018, I began serving as the Department Head of Geomatics Engineering at the University of Calgary. My teaching portfolio includes a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses in Geospatial Information Science at institutions such as the University of Calgary, University of New Brunswick, HU Athens, NTU Athens, University of Piraeus, University of Aegean, Hellenic Open University, TU Crete, BW Munich, and UN Lisbon. These courses span various programs in Engineering and Science and are delivered through classroom-based, online, and distance-learning modes. I received the 2017 UNB President Teaching Scholar Award and the 2023 UCalgary Students' Union Teaching Excellence Award. My research interests include Geospatial Data Science, Digital Earth, Discrete Global Grid Systems, GeoAI, Geospatial Analytics, Geospatial Quantum Computing, Spatio-temporal Indexing, Optimization, Geovisualization, Cartography, Geospatial Web, Spatial Data Infrastructures, Interoperability of Geographic Data, Semantic Web, and applications of Geomatics in natural hazards, transportation, logistics, energy, and climate change, as well as education in Geomatics and Geomatics-Assisted Education. I have supervised over 140 students from all six continents and have authored or co-authored five textbooks and more than 150 articles published in international journals (e.g., IJGIS, IEEE TKDE, CEUS, IJGI, Transactions in GIS, CaGIS, Cartographica, Geomatica) and conference proceedings (e.g., IEEE KDE, COSIT, SDH, AGILE, ISPRS, ICA, GIScience). I have been a reviewer of research articles for international scientific journals and conferences and have served as a member of the Organizing, Program, and Scientific committees at international conferences in Geoinformatics. From January 2014 to March 2022, I served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Cartographica Journal. I was the recipient of the 2023 Award of Distinction for Exceptional Scholarly Contributions to Cartography from the Canadian Cartographic Association. I am a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG), the Canadian Remote Sensing Society (CRSS), and the Canadian Cartographic Association (CCA). I have been actively involved with the Canadian Board of Examiners for Professional Surveyors (CBEPS), the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG), the International Cartographic Association (ICA), and the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).
Course number | Course title | Semester |
ENGO 351 | Introduction to Geospatial Info Systems | Multiple terms |
ENGO 451/641 | Design and Implementation of Geospatial Information Systems | Multiple terms |
ENGG 200 (course coordinator) | Engineering Design and Communication | Fall 2019 |
ENGO 645 | Spatial Databases and Data Mining | Winter 2020 |
ENGO 601 | Graduate Project | Multiple terms |
ENGO 697 | Directed Studies | Multiple terms |
- HALOS: Mapping Linear Features on Modern Geospatial Reference Frameworks (Funded by: NSERC Discovery Grant and the Discovery Accelerator Supplements Program, 2019-27)
- A Framework for Prioritization of Culvert Inspections (Funded by: NSERC Alliance Grants - Advantage; Industry partner: McElhanney Ltd, 2024-26)
- Geospatial Quantum Computing (Funded by: Quantum City and the Schulich School of Engineering, 2023-25)
- DOTS: Earth Observation to Decision Information Services; Scientific Committee (Funded by: NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience program - CREATE, 2020-25)
- Geospatial Data Science (Funded by: Schulich School of Engineering, Research Allowance 2023-28)
- Geospatial Data Science (Funded by: Schulich School of Engineering, Research Allowance 2018-23)
- Data Preparation for Flood Susceptibility (Funded by: NRCan, 2021-22)
- On-the-Fly Flood Modelling (Funded by: NRCan, RAP Bursary Agreement, 2019-21)
- Jupyter Notebook to interact with the content of a Data Cube Platform (Funded by: NRCan, 2020-21)
- Jupyter Notebook for flood mapping practices and water data analysis in Canada (Funded by: NRCan, 2020)
- KNOT: KNOwledge discovery from Trajectory data (Funded by: NSERC Discovery Grant 2013-19)
- UTS: University Teaching Scholar Grant (Funded by: UNB UTS 2017-20)
- Development of a Data Warehouse for Riverine and Coastal Flood Risk Management (Funded by: NRCan, RAP Bursary Agreement, 2014-17)
- Intelligent Simplification of Linear Geographic Features for Mapping and Analysis (Funded by: NSERC USRA, 2017)
- Assessing the Quality of OpenStreetMap Data for New Brunswick (Funded by:NSERC USRA, 2017)
- Evaluation and Fusion of Elevation Web Services for Flood Mapping (Funded by:NSERC USRA, 2017)
- Impact of Flood Waters on Grand Lake Meadows Ecosystem - Past and Present (Funded by: Grand Lake Meadows Project Management Committee - GLMF, 2016-17)
- Contextual Line Simplification (CLS) for ArcGIS (Funded by: NSERC, Engage Grant, 2015; Industrial partner: Esri Canada)
- Development and Delivery of a Course Module for Flood Hazard Risk Assessment(Funded by: UNB - Teaching & Learning Priority Fund,2015-16)
- Study of Map Projections using Geospatial Web Tools (Funded by: UNB - Teaching & Learning Priority Fund, 2014-15)
- Development of the HAZUS Flood Mapping Tool for Canada: Data Integration and Database Development in a New Brunswick Municipality (Funded by: NRCan, Pilot Project, 2014)
- Historical Map Collections and Map Mashups: Enhance the Historical Significance of Grand Lake Meadows in New Brunswick (2013. Funded by: Grand Lake Meadows Project Management Committee - GLMF)
- Knowledge Discovery from Moving Object Databases: Mining Vessel Trajectories (2012-14. Funded by: UNB/GGE GIS Research Funds)
- Web Mapping and Geospatial Web: Re-authoring the Lab Sessions and Tutorials (2013-14. Funded by: UNB - Teaching & Learning Priority Fund)
- Historical Map Collections on the Web: Intelligent tools for Sharing and Searching their Content. (2010-13. Funded by: European Social Fund and the Hellenic Strategic Reference Framework - Heracleitus II Project)
- MOVE: Knowledge Discovery from Moving Objects. (2009-13; Funded by the European Science Foundation - Action of the COST Programme: European Cooperation in Science and Technology. MOVE Project. Member of the Working Group: Representation of Movement Data and Spatio-temporal Databases).
- Mining and Disseminating the Content of Historical Map Collections: Studying the NB Archives (2012-13. Funded by: UNB - URF Grant)
- Map-Centered History Teaching. Case Study: Exploring the History of the City of Fredericton through Web Maps (2012-13. Funded by: Then/Hier: The History Education Network).
- An Advanced Storytelling Platform for the Battleship “G. Averof” (2009-10; Funded by DAAD: the German Academic Exchange Service - IKYDA: Programme for the Promotion of the Exchange and Scientific Cooperation between Greece and Germany. Project Leader. German Partner: Prof. Dr. M. Jarke, Info5, RWTH Aachen).
- Mashups@School: The Use of Mashups and Web Mapping for History Teaching (2008-10; Project Leader. In cooperation with the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, the Arsakeion Schools of Athens, and the Museum Battleship “G. Averof”).
- COAST ATLAS: A GIS for Coastal Management (2006-08; Funded by the European Union and the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology).
- EDUGI: Reuse and Sharing of e-Learning Courses in GI Science Education (2006-07; Funded by the European Union. EC e-learning Programme: eduGI. Project Leader for Harokopio University).
More Information
Most recent articles...
- Liu, J., Li, J., Qiao, L., Li, M., Stefanakis, E., Zhao, X., Huang, Q., Wang, H., and Zhang, C., 2024. QuadGridSIM: A quadrilateral grid-based method for high-performance and robust trajectory similarity analysis. Transactions in GIS, Volume 28, Issue 1, Wiley. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tgis.13126
- Bowater, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2023.PageRank centrality with non-local random walk-based teleportation. Journal of Complex Networks, Volume 11, Issue 4, Oxford Academic. https://doi.org/10.1093/comnet/cnad024
- Breunig, M., Kuper, P. , Reitze, F., Landgraf, S., Al-Doori, M., Stefanakis, E., Abdulmuttalib, H., and Kugler, Z., 2023. Improving Data Quality and Management for Remote Sensing Analysis - Use-Cases and Emerging Research Questions. ISPRS Annals - Advanced Data Preparation and Data Management for Geospatial and Remote Sensing Scenarios. ISPRS Press.
- Stefanakis, E., 2023. Why and how does geomatics engineering education need to change? GIM International. Jan. 2023. https://www.gim-international.com/content/article/why-and-how-does-geomatics-engineering-education-need-to-change
List of Selected Publications
- Stefanakis, E., 2024. Geographic Databases and Information Systems. 2nd Edition, CreateSpace Independent Publ. [In English], pp.484.
- Stefanakis, E., 2015. Web Mapping and Geospatial Web Services. CreateSpace Independent Publ. [In English], pp.168.
- Stefanakis, E., 2014 (revised 2020). Geographic Databases and Information Systems. CreateSpace Independent Publ. [In English], pp.386 (397).
- Stefanakis, E., 2010. Geographic Databases and Geographic Information Systems. 2nd Edition. Papasotiriou Publ., pp. 450 [In Greek]. (First Edition published in 2003).
- Stefanakis, E., 2010. Geographic Data: An Introduction to Collection Methodologies. New Technologies Publ., pp. 160 [In Greek].
- Stefanakis, E., 2009. Web Mapping and Web Mapping Services. New Technologies Publ., pp. 220 [In Greek]
- Stefanakis, E., Peterson, M.P., Armenakis, C., Delis, V., (Eds), 2006. Geographic Hypermedia: Concepts and Systems. Springer, pp. 467.
- Zimányi, E., and Stefanakis, E., (Eds), 2005. Semantic-based Geographical Information Systems (SeBGIS'05). In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: OTM Workshops, Springer, LNCS 3762.
Special Issues in Journals (Guest Editor)
- Stefanakis, E., 2021. Mapping the Pandemic. Special Issue. Cartographica, Vol. 56, No. 1. https://www.utpjournals.press/toc/cart/56/1
- Stefanakis, E., 2019. Discrete Global Grid Systems. Special Issue. Cartographica, Vol. 54, No. 1. https://www.utpjournals.press/toc/cart/54/1
- Stefanakis, E., Li, S., Dragicevic, S., 2015. Advances in Geospatial Statistical Modelling, Analysis, and Data Mining. Special Issue Geomatica Journal, Vol. 69, No. 3 http://pubs.cig-acsg.ca/doi/pdf/10.5623/cig6903
- Stefanakis, E., Liu, Y., and Kyriakidis, P., 2015. Advances in Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis and Mining. Special Issue International Journal of Geo Information, ISPRS,http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/spatial_temporal_datadata
Journal Papers
- Liu, J., Li, J., Qiao, L., Li, M., Stefanakis, E., Zhao, X., Huang, Q., Wang, H., and Zhang, C., 2024. QuadGridSIM: A quadrilateral grid-based method for high-performance and robust trajectory similarity analysis. Transactions in GIS, Volume 28, Issue 1, Wiley. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tgis.13126
- Bowater, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2023.PageRank centrality with non-local random walk-based teleportation. Journal of Complex Networks, Volume 11, Issue 4, Oxford Academic. https://doi.org/10.1093/comnet/cnad024
- Stefanakis, E., 2023. Hierarchical Data Models. In Wilson, J. (Ed) Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge. University Consortium of Geographic Information Science.
- Bowater, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2023. Extending the Adapted PageRank Algorithm centrality model for urban street networks using non-local random walks. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Vol. 446. Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2023.127888
- Mori, K., Rock, M., McCormack, G., Liccioli, S., Giunchi, D., Marceau, D., Stefanakis, E., Massolo, A., 2023. Fecal contamination of urban parks by domestic dogs and tragedy of the commons. Scientific Reports, 13, 3462 (2023). Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-30225-7
- Li., M., McGrath, H., and Stefanakis, E., 2022 Multi-scale Flood Mapping under Climate Change Scenarios in Hexagonal Discrete Global Grids. International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI), ISPRS 11(12), 627. https://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/11/12/627
- Mori, K., Massolo, A., Marceau, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2022 Modelling the epidemiology of zoonotic parasites transmitted through a predator-prey system in urban landscapes: The Calgary Echinococcus multilocularis Coyote Agent-based model (CEmCA). Ecological Modelling, Elsevier, Vol. 475. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2022.110177
- Li., M., McGrath, H., and Stefanakis, E., 2022 Multi-resolution topographic analysis in hexagonal Discrete Global Grid Systems. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. Elsevier, Vol. 113; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2022.102985
- Li., M., McGrath, H., and Stefanakis, E., 2022 Geovisualization of Hydrological Flow in Hexagonal Grid Systems. Geographies 2022, 2(2), 227-244; https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies2020016
- Li., M., McGrath, H., and Stefanakis, E., 2021 Integration of Heterogeneous Terrain Data into Discrete Global Grid Systems. Cartography and Geographic Information Science (CaGIS). Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/15230406.2021.1966648
- Scriven, B., McGrath, H., and Stefanakis, E., 2021 GIS Derived Synthetic Rating Curves and HAND Model to Support On-The-Fly Flood Mapping. Natural Hazards. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-021-04892-6
- Li., M., and Stefanakis, E., 2020 Geospatial operations of Discrete Global Grid Systems – a comparison with traditional GIS. Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, 4(26). Springer. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41651-020-00066-3
- Li, M., and Stefanakis, E. 2020. Geo-feature modeling uncertainties in Discrete Global Grids: a case study of downtown Calgary, Canada. Geomatica Journal. CIG. In Press.
- Breunig, M., Jahn, M., Kuper, P., Mazroob, N., Rösch, N., Al-Doori, M., Stefanakis, E., Jadidi, M., 2020. Geospatial Data Management Research: Progress and Future Directions. International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI), ISPRS. http://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/9/2/95/pdf
- Mah, C., Hong, D., Chen, V., Stefanakis, E., 2020. First-Year Engineering Students' Research Experience in Web Mapping. Cartographica Journal, Vol 55(1), pp. 53-62, University of Toronto Press.
- Bowater, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2019. On the isolatitude property of the rHEALPix Discrete Global Grid System. Big Earth Data Journal (TBED). Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/20964471.2019.1658494
- Bowater, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2019. An open-source web service for creating quadrilateral grids based on the rHEALPix Discrete Global Grid System. International Journal of Digital Earth (TJDE), Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2019.1645893
- Padilla-Ruiz, M., Stefanakis, E., and Church, I., 2019. Development of a User-Centred Web-Mapping Application for Ocean Modellers. Marine Geodesy Journal (UMGD). Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490419.2019.1666758
- McGrath, H., Nastev, M., Kotsollaris, M., and Stefanakis, E., 2019. Flood Damage Calculations via a RESTful API. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101071
- Zhao, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2018. Mining Massive Taxi Trajectories for Rapid Fastest Path Planning in Dynamic Multi-Level Landmark Network. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Elsevier. 72, 221-231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2018.07.001
- Jiang, W., and Stefanakis, E., 2018. what3words Geocoding Extensions. Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis.Springer. 2:7 https://doi.org/10.1007/s41651-018-0014-x.http://rdcu.be/G7fB
- Zhao, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2018. Integrated Compression of Vehicle Spatio-temporal Trajectories under the Road Stroke Network Constraint. Transactions in GIS. Wiley Online Library. 22 (4), 991-1007. https://doi.org/10.1111/tgis.12464
- Padilla-Ruiz, M., Church, I., and Stefanakis, E., 2018. Competitive Analysis of Current Ocean Web-Mapping Applications. The International Hydrographic Review Journal. IHO, Nov. 2018, pp. 7-24. http://www.iho.int/mtg_docs/IHReview/2018/IHR_November2018.pdf
- Bowater, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2018. The rHEALPix Discrete Global Grid System: Considerations for Canada. Geomatica Journal. 72(1) 27-37. https://doi.org/10.1139/geomat-2018-0008
- Stefanakis, E., 2017. Web Mercator and Raster Tile Maps: Two Cornerstones of Online Map Service Providers. Geomatica Journal, Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. 100-109. http://pubs.cig-acsg.ca/doi/10.5623/cig2017-203
- Tamilmani, R., and Stefanakis, E., 2017. Semantically Enriched Line Simplification for Static Linear Features. Geomatica Journal, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 1-19. http://pubs.cig-acsg.ca/doi/pdf/10.5623/cig2017-101
- Stefanakis, E., 2016. mR-V: Line Simplification through Mnemonic Rasterization. Geomatica Journal, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 269-282. http://pubs.cig-acsg.ca/doi/pdf/10.5623/cig2016-401
- McGrath, H., Stefanakis, E., and Nastev, M., 2016. DEM Fusion of Elevation REST API Data in Support of Rapid Flood Modelling. Geomatica Journal. Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 283-297.http://pubs.cig-acsg.ca/doi/pdf/10.5623/cig2016-402
- Arapostathis, S.G., Parcharidis, I., Stefanakis E., Drakatos G., and Kalogeras I., 2016. A Method for Developing Seismic Intensity Maps from Twitter Data. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 10: 839-852 doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2016.07.013
- Garbanzo-Leon, J., Kingdon, R., Stefanakis, E., 2016. GEOWAPP: A Geospatial Web Application for Lab Exercises in Surveying. Geomatica Journal, Vol. 70, No. 1. pp. 31-42. http://pubs.cig-acsg.ca/doi/abs/10.5623/cig2016-103
- Stefanakis, E., 2015. SELF - Semantically Enriched Line simpliFication. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS). Vol. 29(10), pp. 1826-1844. Taylor & Francis.http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2015.1053092
- McGrath, H., and Stefanakis, E., Nastev, M., 2015. Sensitivity Analysis of Flood Damage Estimates: A Case Study in Fredericton, New Brunswick. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Elsevier. Vol.14(4), 379–387. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2015.09.003
- Tienaah, T., Stefanakis, E., Coleman, D., 2015. Contextual Douglas-Peucker Simplification. Geomatica Journal, Vol. 69, No. 3. http://pubs.cig-acsg.ca/doi/pdf/10.5623/cig2015-306
- Stefanakis, E., 2015. Education and Training on Web Mapping and the Geospatial Web. Geomatica Journal, Special Issue: Cartography in Canada 2011–2015, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 145-160. http://pubs.cig-acsg.ca/doi/pdf/10.5623/cig2015-202
- Stefanakis, E., 2015. Trajectory Reconstruction from Anonymized Vessel Locations. Geomatica Journal, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 118-121.
- Nastev, M., Nollet, M., El Ezz, A.A., Smirnoff, A., Ploeger, S.K., McGrath, H., Sawada, M., Stefanakis, E., and Parent, M., 2015. Methods and tools for natural hazard risk analysis in Eastern Canada: Use of knowledge to understand vulnerability and implement mitigation measures. Natural Hazards Review. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000209.
- McGrath, H., and Stefanakis, E., 2014. Grand Lake Meadows Historical Mapping. Geomatica Journal, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 222-231.
- Gkadolou, E., Tomai, E., Stefanakis, E., and Kritikos, G., 2014. Documentation of the Spatio – Temporal Evolution of the Greek State: Ontological Standardization for the Historical Maps of a Web Portal. Geographies Journal, Vol. 23(1).
- Muthu, S.S., Gkadolou, E., and Stefanakis, E., 2013. Historical Map Collections on Geospatial Web. Geomatica Journal, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 279-290.
- Stefanakis, E., and Prastacos, P., 2008. Development of an Open Source Based Spatial Data Infrastructure. Applied GIS Journal, ISSN 1832-5505, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 1-26.
- Stefanakis, E., 2007. NET-DBSCAN: Clustering the nodes of a dynamic linear network. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.Taylor & Francis. Volume 21 Issue 4, 427-442.
- Stefanakis, Ε., 2006. Scheduling trajectories on a planar surface with moving obstacles. Informatica Journal, Lith, Acad. Sci., Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 95-110. (part of it also in ACTA Universitatis Apulensis Journal, No. 8, 2004).
- Stefanakis, E., 2003. Modeling the History of Semi-Structured Geographic Entities. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 517-546..Taylor & Francis.
- Stefanakis, E., 2003. Representation of Generalized Map Series Using Semi-Structured Data Models. Cartography and Geographic Information Science (journal). Vol. 30. No. 1, pp. 51-68. American Congress on Surveying and Mapping.
- Stefanakis, E., and Kavouras, M., 2002. Navigating in Space Under Constraints. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM), Vol. 1(1), pp. 71-93. Academic Publications.
- Theodoridis, Y., Stefanakis, E., and Sellis, T., 2000, Efficient Cost Models for Spatial Queries Using R-trees. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE CS Press. Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 19-32.
- Stefanakis, E., Vazirgiannis, M., and Sellis, T., 1999, Incorporating fuzzy set methodologies in a DBMS repository for the application domain of GIS. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. Vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 657-675. Taylor & Francis.
- Stefanakis, E., and Sellis, T., 1998, Enhancing operations with spatial access methods in a database management system for GIS. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 16-32.
- Theodoridis, Y., Papadias, D., Stefanakis, E., and Sellis, T., 1998, Direction relations and two-dimensional range queries: optimization techniques. Data and Knowledge Engineering. Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 313-336.
- Stefanakis, E., Theodoridis, Y., Sellis, T., and Lee, Y.C., 1997, Point representation of spatial objects and query window extension: a new technique for spatial access methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 529-554. Taylor & Francis.
- Papadias, D., Theodoridis, Y., and Stefanakis, E., 1997, Multi-dimensional range query processing with spatial relations. Geographical Systems, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 343-365.
- Lymberopoulos, N., Papadopoulos, C., Stefanakis, E., Pantalos, N., and Lockwood, F., 1996, A GIS-based forest fire management information system. EARSel Journal - Advances in Remote Sensing. Special Issue: Remote sensing and GIS applications for forest fire management, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 68-75.
Referred Book Chapters
- Bradley, P., Jahn, M., Breunig, M., Al-Doori, M., Stefanakis, E., Kuper, P., 2024. Geometry, Topology and p-Adic Numbers in Geospatial Data Modelling, Management and Processing: Review and Future Approaches. ISPRS Annals - Spatial Information to Empower the Metaverse. ISPRS Press.
- Breunig, M., Kuper, P. , Reitze, F., Landgraf, S., Al-Doori, M., Stefanakis, E., Abdulmuttalib, H., and Kugler, Z., 2023. Improving Data Quality and Management for Remote Sensing Analysis - Use-Cases and Emerging Research Questions. ISPRS Annals - Advanced Data Preparation and Data Management for Geospatial and Remote Sensing Scenarios. ISPRS Press.
- Huang, Y., and Stefanakis, E., 2022. Multi-resolution representation using graph database. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume V-4-2022, ISPRS Press.
- Tamilmani, R., and Stefanakis, E., 2019. Modeling and Analysis of Semantically Enriched Simplified Trajectories using Graph Databases. Advances of the ICA. International Cartographic Association. ICA Press.
- Wen, J., and Stefanakis, E., 2018. A Restful API for the Extended what3words Encoding. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and the Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS-TCIV 2018). ISPRS Press.
- McGrath, H., and Stefanakis, E., and Nastev, M., 2016. Rapid Risk Evaluation (ER2) using MS Excel Spreadsheet: A Case Study of Fredericton (New Brunswick). ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and the Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS 2016 Congress). ISPRS Press.
- Gkadolou, E., and Stefanakis, E., 2015. Historical Maps on the Semantic Web. In Sarris, A., (Ed.) Best Practices of GeoInformatic Technologies for the Mapping of Archaeolandscapes. Archaeopress Archaeology. pp.189-198.
- Stefanakis, E., 2012. Map Mashups and APIs in Education. In: Peterson, M. (Ed.). Online Maps with APIs and Map Services. Springer.
- Gadolou, E., Tomai, E., Stefanakis, E., and Kritikos, G., 2012. Ontological standardization for historical map collections: studying the Greek borderlines of 1881. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and the Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS 2012 Congress). ISPRS Press.
- Lonnqvist, M., and Stefanakis, E., 2009. Archaeology and GIS: Ancient human traces in automated space. In Madden, M. (Ed), 2009, ASPRS Manual of Geographic Information Systems, ASPRS Press.
- Stefanakis, E., 2008. DBSCAN-MO: Density-based Clustering among Moving Obstacles. In Bernard, L., Christensen, A.F, and Pundt, H. (Eds), 2008. The European Information Society – Taking Geoinformation Science One Step Further (11th AGILE Conference; Full paper), pp. 159 – 180. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer.
- Stefanakis, E., and Patroumpas, K., 2008. Google Earth and XML: Advanced Visualization and Publishing of Geographic Information. In Peterson, M.P. (ed) International Perspectives on Maps and the Internet. Springer, pp. 151-160.
- Stefanakis, E., 2007. Google Earth. In Kemp, K., (ed), 2007, Encyclopaedia of Geographic Information Science. SAGE Publications.
- Stefanakis, E., and Peterson, M.P., 2006. Geographic hypermedia. In Stefanakis, E., Peterson, M.P., Armenakis, C., Delis, V., (Eds), 2006, Geographic Hypermedia: Concepts and Systems. Springer, pp. 1-21.
- Stefanakis, E., and Sellis, T., 2003. Interaction Issues and Decision Support in Intelligent GIS. Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems. UNESCO. EOLSS Publishers Co Ltd.
- Stefanakis, E., 2002. Representation of Map Objects with Semi-structured Data Models. In Richardson, D., and van Oosterom, P. (Eds.) Advances in Spatial Data Handling (10th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling - SDH2002), Ottawa, Canada, Springer, pp. 547-562.
- Stefanakis, E., and Sellis, T., 2001. Towards the design of a DBMS repository for temporal GIS. In Frank, A.U., Raper, J., and Cheylan, J.-P. (Eds.) Life & Motion of Socio-economic Units (ESF-GISDATA Series Book), Taylor & Francis, pp. 167-184.
- Stefanakis, E., and Sellis, T., 1996. Α DBMS repository for the application domain of Geographic Information Systems. In Kraak, M.J., and Molenaar, M. (Eds.), Advances in GIS Research II (7th Intern. Symposium on Spatial Data Handling), Delft, The Netherlands, Taylor & Francis, pp. 119-130.
- Theodoridis, Y., Papadias, D., and Stefanakis, E., 1996. Supporting direction relations in spatial database systems. In Kraak, M.J., and Molenaar, M. (Eds.), Advances in GIS Research II (7th Intern. Symposium on Spatial Data Handling), Delft, The Netherlands, Taylor & Francis, pp. 739-752.
- Stefanakis, E., and Kavouras, M., 1995. On the determination of the optimum path in space. In Frank A.U., and Kuhn, W. (Eds) Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS. (2nd International Conference on Spatial Information Theory - COSIT '95), Springer, LNCS 988, pp. 241-257.
Referred Conference Papers
- Stefanakis, E., 2023. Enhancing Geomatics Engineering Education with Software Engineering Attributes. FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida.
- Scriven, B., McGrath, H., and Stefanakis, E., 2021. CERC-HAND-D: A tool for supporting on-the-fly flood mapping in Canada. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Brussels, Belgium.
- Li, E., Stefanakis, E., and McGrath, H., 2020. National Terrain Data Management on Discrete Global Grids in Canada. Proceedings of the 23rd International Research Symposium on cartography and GIScience (AutoCarto 2020).
- Kotsollaris, M., Liu, W., Stefanakis, E., and Zhang, Y., 2019. LevelFilesSet: An efficient Data Structure for Scalable Web Tiled Map Management Systems. In the Proceedings of the ICA. International Cartographic Conference 2019. Tokyo, Japan. ICA Press.
- Tamilmani, R., and Stefanakis, E., 2019. Semantically Enriched Simplification of Trajectories. In the Proceedings of the ICA. International Cartographic Conference 2019. Tokyo, Japan. ICA Press.
- Stefanakis, E., 2017. Semantically Enriched Trajectory Simplification through Mnemonic Rasterization. Proceedings of the International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2017), Washington DC, USA, July 2017.
- Tienaah, T., Stefanakis, E., Coleman, D., 2015. Contextual Line Generalization: Extending ArcGIS Generalization Toolbox. In the Proceedings of the 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Tienaah, T., and Stefanakis, E., 2014. “Troy is ours – How on earth could Clytaemnestra know so fast?”. In the Proceedings of the 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Castellon, Spain.
- McGrath, H., Stefanakis, E., McCarthy, M., and Nastev, M., 2014. Data Preparation for Validation Study of Hazus Canada Flood Model. In the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction (I3R2). Purdue University, Indiana, USA.
- Stefanakis, E., 2013. Web mapping and geospatial web: an introductory course for geographers and geoscientists. In the Proceedings of the 16th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Leuven,Belgium.
- Stefanakis, E., 2013. Map-mashups in the study of cultural heritage. In the Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Integrating 4D, GIS and Cultural Heritage. Leuven, Belgium.
- Gadolou, E., and Stefanakis, E., 2013. A formal ontology for historical maps. In the Proceedings of the 26th Int. Cartographic Conference, Dresden, Germany.
- Sepehr, S., Fraser, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2013. A Geospatial Reference Framework for Student Training Survey Camps. In the Proceedings of the 26th Int. Cartographic Conference, Dresden, Germany.
- Stefanakis, E., 2012. Trajectory Generalization under Space Constraints. In the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2012). Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 18-21, 2012.
- Stefanakis, E., Van de Weghe, N., and Claramunt, C., 2012. Pre-processing, re-sampling and modelling moving objects. In the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2012). Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 18-21, 2012.
- Pelekis, N., Stefanakis, E., Kopanakis, I., Zotali, C., Vodas, M., and Theodoridis, Y., 2011. choroChronos.org: A GeoPortal for Movement Data and Processes. Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2011), Belfast, Maine,USA, Sept.12-16, 2011.
- Stefanakis, E., 2010. Introducing map mashups in Primary School. In the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), Zurich, Sept. 14-17, 2010.
- Papadaki, H., Gadolou, E., Stefanakis, E., Kritikos, G., Cao, Y., Hannemann, A., Kovachev, D., Klamma, R., Pagomenos, G., 2010. The role of CMS in the education of GIS using storytelling. In the Proceedings of the 7th European GIS Education Seminar (EUGISES 2010), Serres, Greece, Sept. 9-12, 2010.
- Gadolou, E., Papadaki, H., Stefanakis, E., Kritikos, G., Cao, Y., Hannemann, A., Klamma, R., and Kovachev, D., 2010. Storytelling, Spatial Standards and Cultural Heritage Management. In the Proceedings of the 13th AGILE Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, May 10-14, 2010.
- Papadaki, H., Gadolou, E., and Stefanakis, E. 2009. Collaborative GIS platforms for Storytelling – Case Study: Battleship Averof. In the Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG ‘09), Aachen, Germany, August 21st, 2009.
- Stefanakis, E., 2008. A journey to the ancient greek myths - An enhanced educational framework to story-telling with geo-visualization capabilities. In the Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG ‘08), Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 16th, 2008.
- Stefanakis, E., and Prastacos, P., 2008. Development of a coastal SDI using GeoFOSS. In the Proceedings of the 11th AGILE Conference, Girona, Spain, May 5-8, 2008.
- Stefanakis, E., 2006. Building university campus maps on Google Earth. In the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2006), ifgi-Prints, Muenster, Germany, Sept. 20-23, 2004.
- Stefanakis, Ε., 2004. Navigating among moving obstacles. In the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2004), Adelphi, MD, Oct. 20-23, 2004.
- Stefanakis, E., and Ratsiatou, I., 2001, Spatio-temporal multicriteria decision making under uncertainty. In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Robust and Fuzzy Techniques in Geodesy and GIS, Zurich, Switzerland, March 2001.
- Theodoridis, Y., Stefanakis, E., and Sellis, T., 1998, Cost models for join queries in spatial databases. In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE '98), Orlando, Florida, pp. 476-483. IEEE CS Press.
- Lee, Y.C., Agi, B., and Stefanakis, E., 1997, An approach to multi-dimensional range search. In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS. Eds. Y.C. Lee, Z.L.Li, Hong Kong, 25-26th August 1997, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, pp. 128-142.
- Stefanakis, E., Vazirgiannis, M., and Sellis, T., 1996, Incorporating fuzzy logic methodologies into GIS operations. In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Geographic Information Systems in Urban, Regional, and Environmental Planning, Samos, Greece, pp. 61-68. Also in Proceedings of the XVIII ISPRS Congress, Vienna, Austria.
- Lee, Y.C., and Stefanakis, E., 1994, A new approach to range searching based on the point representation of spatial objects. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Systems, Ottawa, Canada, pp.1195-1208.
Partially Referred Conference Papers and Abstracts
- Bowater, D, and Stefanakis, E., 2024. On PageRank, non-local random walk dynamics, and the effect of the teleportation rate. International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci 2024), Quebec City, QC, Canada.
- Bowater, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2024. Combining local and non-local random walk dynamics via PageRank: theory, applications, and opportunities. 15th International Conference on Complex Networks (COMPLENET 2024), Exeter, U.K.
- Stefanakis, E., 2023. Geomatics Engineering Education in the Digital Reality. 2023 GIS in Education and Research Conference, Esri Canada, Toronto, March 1, 2023.
- Zhu, W., and Stefanakis, E., 2023. Agent based models for flood simulation. 2023 GIS in Education and Research Conference, Esri Canada, Toronto, March 1, 2023.
- Bowater, D, and Stefanakis, E., 2023. PageRank centrality with non-local random walk-based teleportation. International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci 2023), Vienna, Austria.
- Ruiz, M.P, Barbeau, J., Schmitt, T., Peterson, P., and Stefanakis, E., 2022. Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS): Multi-resolution Bathymetry On-Demand. International Hydrographic Conference (Hydro 2022), Grimaldi Forum, Monaco, Dec 5-8, 2022.
- Bowater, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2022. Non-local APA: An intuitive PageRank-based centrality model for urban street networks. SIAM Workshop on Network Science (NS22) September 13-15, 2022. http://dyn.phys.northwestern.edu/ns22.html
- Bowater, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2019. Research directions for the rHEALPix Discrete Global Grid System. In the Proceedings of the Spatial Knowledge and Information - Canada (SKI 2019), Banff, AB, Canada.
- Nastev, M., Nollet, M.J., Abo-El-Ezz, A., Smirnoff, A., Ploeger, S.K., McGrath, H., Sawada, M., Stefanakis, E., and Parent, M., 2016. Interactive Web-based Application for Seismic and Flood Risk Assessment. World Engineering Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WECDRR2016), Lima, Peru.
- McGrath, H., Stefanakis, E., and Nastev, M., 2016. Applicability of Elevation REST APIs and DEM Fusion in support of Flood Hazard Estimation. Geomatics Atlantic Conference (GA2016), Fredericton, NB, Canada.
- Nastev, M., Nollet, M.J., Abo-El-Ezz, A., Smirnoff, A., Ploeger, S.K., McGrath, H., Sawada, M., Stefanakis, E., and Parent, M., 2015. Use of knowledge to reduce vulnerability to seismic hazards. Proceedings of the Tenth Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Building an Earthquake-Resilient Pacific. 6-8 November 2015, Sydney, Australia.
- McGrath, H., Stefanakis, E., and Nastev, M., 2015. Flood Risk Assessment using MS Excel Spreadsheet: A Case Study of Fredericton, NB. In the Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference. Montreal, Canada.
- McGrath, H., Stefanakis, E., and Nastev, M., 2015. Flood Inundation Maps using Reduced Complexity Models. In the Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference. Montreal, Canada.
- McGrath, H., Stefanakis, E., and Nastev, M., 2014. Sensitivity analysis of HAZUS Canada Flood Model: Case study from Fredericton, New Brunswick. In the Proceedings of the Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium (CRHNet 2014). Toronto, Canada.
- Gkadolou, E., and Stefanakis, E., 2014. Historical Maps on Semantic Web based in Dublin Core. In the Proceedings of the 13th Hellenic Cartographic Association Conference. Patras, Greece
- Muthu, S.S., Stefanakis, E., and Lekkas, D., 2014. Discovery of Environmental Risk from Historical Vessel Trajectories. In the Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modelling and Applications, Toronto, Canada.
- McGrath, H., Stefanakis, E., and Nastev, M., 2014. Development of a Data Warehouse for Riverine and Coastal Flood Risk Management. In the Proceedings of the ISPRS Archives. Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modelling and Applications, Toronto, Canada.
- Gupta, S., Tienaah, T., and Stefanakis, E., 2014. Examining Map Projection Distortions using Geospatial Web Tools. In the Proceedings of the ISPRS Archives. Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modelling and Applications, Toronto, Canada.
- Allison, T., Fraser, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2014. Weighted Visibility Classification and Seating Plan for the Aitken University Centre. In the Proceedings of the ISPRS Archives. Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modelling and Applications, Toronto, Canada.
- Fraser, D, Sepehr, S, and Stefanakis, E., 2014. A Geospatial Reference Framework for a University Campus: A Case Study for Managing Student Surveyed Topographic Data. In the Proceedings of the ISPRS Archives. Joint International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modelling and Applications, Toronto, Canada.
- Stefanakis, E., 2013. Introducing Geographers to Web Mapping and Geospatial Web. In the Proceedings of the Annual Canadian Institute of Geomatics Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- McGrath, H., and Stefanakis, E., 2013. Grand Lake Meadows since the 18th Century: A Mapping and Awareness Project. In the Proceedings of the Annual Canadian Institute of Geomatics Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Gadolou, E., Tomai, E., Stefanakis, E., Kritikos, G., 2010. Generation of Ontology for the Spatio-Temporal Documentation of the Greek Historical Map Series. Research Paper. In the Proceedings of the 11th National Cartographic Conference: Cartography of the Greek State. Nafplion, December 8-10, 2010.
- Gadolou, E., Stefanakis, E., Kritikos, G., 2010. Web-based Historical Maps: The North Frontier of the Greek State in 1881. Research Paper. In the Proceedings of the 6th National Conference of the Hellenic Society in GI (HellasGIs), Athens, December 2-3, 2010.
- Kritikos, G., and Stefanakis, E., 2010. Sailing in Space and Time with the Navals of the Historical Battleship "G. Averof". In the Proceedings of the 9th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Conference. Athens, November 4-6, 2010.
- Stefanakis, E., and Kritikos, G., 2008. The battleship “G. Averof” promotion and enrichment of the museum archives. In Proceedings of the XXI ISPRS Congress, Commission IV, WG IV/1, pp. 67-72, Beijing, China, July 2008.
- Stefanakis, E., and Prastacos, P., 2007. Semantic-Based Spatial Information Infrastructures: Integrating Data and Services into a Single Collection. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Cartographic Conference, Moscow, Russia, August 2007.
- Stefanakis, E., and Prastacos, P., 2007. Development of Coastal Zone Metadata. Proceedings of the 8th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Conference. Athens, October 2007. [in Greek]
- Stefanakis, E., 2005. Clustering dynamic map objects based on density measures. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Cartographic Conference, A Coruna, Spain, July 2005.
- Stefanakis, E., and Stefanakis, K., 2003. Compiling a Recreational Map: A Case Study. In Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference, Durban, South Africa, August 2003.
- Stefanakis, E., 2002. Modeling Cadastral Data Using Semi-structured Data Models. In Proceedings of the 5th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, Mallorca, Spain, April 2002.
- Chalkias, C., and Stefanakis, E., 2002. Modeling Insolation in the Application Domain of GIS. Proceedings of the 6th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Conference. Thessaloniki, October, 2002.
- Stefanakis, E., 2001, A unified framework for fuzzy spatio-temporal representation and reasoning. In Proceedings of the 20th International Cartographic Conference, pp. 2678-2687. Beijing, China, August 2001.
- Stefanakis, E., and Kavouras, M., 2000, Fuzzy logic based thematic mapping. Proceedings of the 6th Pan-Hellenic Cartographic Conference, Athens, November 2000 [in Greek].
- Stefanakis, E., 2000, The synergy of GIS with other systems. In Proceedings of the XIX Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2000.
- Tsivili, A., Fougiaxi, E., Stefanakis, E., and Tsiforos, I., 2000. Supervising the Cadastral Projects. Proceedings of the 1st Hellenic Cadastre Conference. Thessaloniki, May 2000 [in Greek].
- Stefanakis, E., Vazirgiannis, M., and Voisard, A., 2000. Decision support under uncertainty on spatial contexts: The geological map creation case. In the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2000), Savannah, Georgia, Oct. 28-31, 2000.
- Stefanakis, E., and Sellis, T., 1999, Enhancing a database management system for GIS with fuzzy set methodologies. In Proceedings of the 19th International Cartographic Conference, Ottawa, Canada, August 1999, pp. 121-130.
- Stefanakis, E., and Sellis, T., 1997, Towards the design of a DBMS repository for the application domain of GIS: requirements of users and applications. In Proceedings of the 18th International Cartographic Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 2030-2037.
- Lymberopoulos, N., Papadopoulos, C., Stefanakis, E., Pantalos, N., and Lockwood, F., 1995, A GIS-based forest fire management information system. In Proceedings of the International Workshop of Remote Sensing and GIS applications for forest fire management, Alcala de Henares, Spain.
- Sellis, T., Diakonikolaou, K., and Stefanakis, E., 1995, Culture and information society: The role of databases and multimedia technologies in museums and archaeological sites. Proceedings of the 1st Information Society Conference, Athens, May 1995.
- Kavouras, M., and Stefanakis, E., 1995, Determination of the optimum path on the earth's surface. In Proceedings of the 17th International Cartographic Conference, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 2761-2765.
- Stefanakis, E., 2023. Why and how does geomatics engineering education need to change? GIM International. Jan. 2023. https://www.gim-international.com/content/article/why-and-how-does-geomatics-engineering-education-need-to-change
- Tamilmani, R., Stefanakis, E., 2017. Rediscovering the Journey of an Abandoned Child: A GIS Approach. Cartouche. Newsletter of the Canadian Cartographic Association.
- McGrath, H., McNeill, P., Stefanakis, E., 2017. Analysis of Flood History and Flood Progression in Grand Lake Meadows. Cartouche. Newsletter of the Canadian Cartographic Association.
- Stefanakis, E., 2017. GeoPackage: A format with database capabilities. GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. May 2017. [pdf]
- Stefanakis, E., 2017. Graph Databases – Recent development in Neo4j may help accommodate the Geospatial Community. GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. January 2017.[pdf]
- Stefanakis, E., 2016. Geospatial Development – Enhancing GIS curricula with programming skills at UNB. GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. November 2016. [pdf]
- Stefanakis, E., 2016. SaveTheMap Campaign: to encourage citizens and startups to use geospatial data and services. GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. June 2016.[pdf]
- Stefanakis, E., 2016. NetCDF: a growing standard for encoding georeferenced data in binary form. GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. May 2016. [pdf]
- Stefanakis, E., 2016. Location Encoding Systems – Could geographic coordinates be replaced and at what cost? GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. March 2016. [pdf]
- Stefanakis, E., 2016. Discrete Global Grid Systems – A new OGC standard emerges.GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. January 2016. [pdf]
- Stefanakis, E., 2015. Map Tiles and Cached Map Services. GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. December 2015. [pdf]
- Stefanakis, E., 2015. Elevation Web Services: Limitations and Prospects. GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. November 2015. [pdf]
- Stefanakis, E., 2015. Web Mercator: the de facto standard, the controversy, and the opportunity.GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. October 2015. [pdf]
- Stefanakis, E., 2015. 2005-2015: Ten Years with Google Maps. GoGeomatics. Magazine of GoGeomatics Canada. September 2015. [pdf]
- McGrath, H., Stefanakis, E., and Nastev, M., 2015. Mapping Flood Risk and Flood Damage Estimates. Cartouche. Newsletter of the Canadian Cartographic Association, 90(1), pp. 10-11.
- Xue, X., and Stefanakis, E., 2014. Visualizing the Geography of Canadian Migration. Cartouche. Newsletter of the Canadian Cartographic Association, 89(2), pp. 11-14.
International Tutorials and Invited Speeches
- Webinar: Peterson, P., Ruiz, M., Li., E., Bowater, D., and Stefanakis, E., 2022. Discrete Global Grid Systems for Geospatial Data Integration and Analysis. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) - WG IV/7. YouTube
- Lecture: Stefanakis, E., 2020. Information Grids for Geospatial Data Integration, Analysis and Visualization. Honourable lecture series "Geodätisches Kolloquium" (Geodetic Colloquium)). Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany.
- Speaker: Stefanakis, E., 2019. Geomatics Engineering at the University of Calgary. North51, Banff, AB, Canada. Slides
- Technical Session: Stefanakis, E., 2017. Web Mercator Projection and Raster Tile Maps: Two cornerstones of Online Map Service Providers. 42nd Canadian Cartographic Association Conference. Ottawa, Canada, June 2017. Slides
- Panel Session: Chrisman, N, Wachowicz, M, Stefanakis, E., 2017. Meet the Editors- Cartography Journals. AAG Annual Meeting. Boston, USA. April 5-9, 2017.
- Special Session: Stefanakis, E., and Liu, Y., 2015. ISPRS Session on Massive Mobility Data Analysis and Mining. In Conjunction with DE2015: International Symposium on Digital Earth, Halifax, Canada. October 5-9, 2015.
- Tutorial (half day): Stefanakis, E., 2008. Web Services for Mapping. Tutorial. The 3rd International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2008). Athens, Greece.
- e-Learning Educational Package (4 ECTS Units Course): Stefanakis, E., and Patroumpas, K., 2007. Advanced Geographic Databases. eduGI: e-Learning Education in GI.
- Lecture (one week): Stefanakis, E., 2003. Geographic Database Systems, English Summer Semester, Muenster, Germany, May 5-9, 2003.
- Tutorial (full day): Stefanakis, E., 2002. Semi-structured Data and XML in Geographic Data Modeling and Handling. Join International Symposium on Geospatial Theory, Processing and Applications, Ottawa, Canada, July 8, 2002.
- Lecture (full day): Stefanakis, E., 2002. Geographic Databases and XML, 1st eduGI.net Summer School, Muenster, Germany, August 1st, 2002.
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