Engage with Biomedical Engineering

The One-Stop-Shop for Biomedical Engineering

We partner with industry, governments, and other universities around the world to test new ideas, apply new solutions, and develop applications at scales.

We want to work with you. If you want to hire a student, are looking for an expert in biomedical engineering, need access to our facilities or equipment, or would like to learn more about how your support can help advance biomedical engineering research at UCalgary, please get in touch.

Undergraduate and Graduate Students for Hire

Students are available for summer projects, internships, thesis or otherwise.

Research Collaboration

Connect with us to collaborate on BME research.

Facilities & Equipment

Learn how to access our technology and labs across institutes and faculties.

Give to BME

Partner with us to fuel transformational research, whether working on a new idea or solving a specific problem. 

Most of the information requested below is optional. You can also email us at bme@ucalgary.ca

This is a required field. Once you submit the form, someone will be in touch with you. 
This is an optional field
This is an optional field
What project are you looking for?
Team of 4 to 5 student researchers available full-time for 8 months from September to April.
Undergraduate student researcher available full-time for 12-16 months,
Undergraduate student researcher available full-time for 4 months from May to August.
Undergraduate student research available part-time for 4 months: September to December or January to April.
Undergraduate student researcher available full-time for 8 months from September to April.
You may propose your own timelines.
This is an optional field
How long do you think you need help for?
This is an optional field
This is an optional field
This is an optional field
What best describes your project need
This is an optional field

This is an optional field
This is an optional field
Choose the area(s) that best fit your need
Biomechanics, Injury, Disease, Computational Modeling
Signals, MRI, Machine Learning
Biomaterials, Bioprocessing, Stem Cells
Wearables, Sensing, Feedback, Database
Devices, Policy
Biotechnology, Veterinary Medicine, Micro- and nano-technology
This is an optional field. For more information, visit our research areas
Which engineering background do you think your job needs? Choose more if you think more than one can work or you need a team:
This is an optional field
We are putting out a call for Biomedical Engineering projects for the 2022-23 academic year. We are reaching out to you as a BMEN/BMEN-affiliated faculty to collect research projects and design challenges that could be tackled in the following courses. 

a) BMEN 503 Thesis (two semesters) or Term Project (one semester); Fourth-year students work individually in your space/lab towards your research goals. 

b) BMEN 468/478: Design Challenges; 4 to 6-week projects where the whole third-year class works on the challenge, or one-term projects where each term will address a different challenge. 

We are looking for healthcare/wellness challenges that require a technological solution. Your involvement would take shape as a supervisor for fourth-year students or as a consultant/expert for third-year students. The following questions will help us assign your project to the best team. 
Please answer the following: 
Please provide a title or briefly describe your project/challenge
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What are you looking for as an initial goal in terms of your challenge?
Please let us know if there is anything specific you would like to discuss with us (e.g. IP, time commitment, next steps, etc.)
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Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, mp3.
What happens next? 

Fourth-year projects and thesis calls are circulated among our registered students. Students will directly contact you to finalize a supervisory arrangement. You will become their supervisor and start working in September or Jnauary depending on the project and term chosen. They will typically work in your space/lab towards your goals. 

Third-year projects will be set-up by the course instructors. You will be contacted by an instructor with more information and a schedule. You will become a consultant/expert and participate in select meetings/presentations from the class/team working on your project. 

Please submit your answer and thank you for your support to the Biomedical Engineering program.