
Annual Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference

25th Annual Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference

Oct. 25 -27 | Banff, AB

The Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference is a joint venture between the 
Universities of Calgary, Alberta, and Saskatchewan that provides a forum for students in 
the biomedical engineering field to present their research and encourage discussions and 
collaborations. Since 2000, this event has brought in guest speakers from around the 
world and continues to provide valuable networking opportunities between students, 
universities and industry.

Alberta BME

BME Conference Organization Committee

University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW 
Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 1N4 

Please contact us with any questions or to be added to the mailing list for the conference.

Event Accommodation

If you are attending the conference in person, reserve your room at the Banff Park Lodge with one of the lodge's reservation agents at 403-762-4433 or toll-free at 1-800-661-9266. Please remember to indicate that you are attending the Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference.

We'd like to thank our sponsors

University of Calgary Faculty of Kinesiology Logo
University of Alberta Logo
One Health Globe
Libin Cardiovascular Institute
Providence Therapeutics