Prizes and awards recognition
Schulich School of Engineering
SSE Awards Recognition Guidelines
How we recognize Distinguished Awards and Institutional Honours
Schulich School of Engineering website story
Recognition on the Schulich School of Engineering Awards website
Shout-out in the Schulich Engineer newsletter
UToday submission
Social media shout-out
Recognition in the Schulich Dean’s Message
Inclusion in quarterly donor letter insert
Electronic bulletin board display
Mention in the Schulich School of Engineering annual report
Distinguished Awards
Canada’s Top 40 Under 40
Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellowships
ASTech Awards
NSERC Awards
Royal Society of Canada Awards and Fellowships
Awards from the Governor General of Canada and Lieutenant Governor of Alberta
Institutional Honours
Order of the University of Calgary
Honorary Degree
Internationalization Achievement Award
Lecture of a Lifetime
How we recognize Teaching, Research, Mentorship and DEI Awards
- Schulich School of Engineering website story
- Recognition on the Schulich School of Engineering Awards website
- Shout-out in the Schulich Engineer newsletter
- UToday submission
- Social media shout-out
- Recognition in the Schulich Dean’s Message
- Electronic bulletin board display
- Mention in the Schulich School of Engineering annual report
Research Awards
Innovators and Entrepreneurs Foundation Awards
APEGA Summit Awards
Canada Council for the Arts: Killam Prize
UCalgary Office of Sustainability: Sustainability Research Award
UCalgary VPR’s Office: Peak Scholars in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Knowledge Engagement
Fulbright Canada: Traditional Fulbright Scholar Awards
Mitacs Award for Exceptional Leadership – Professor
UCalgary Killam Trust Awards
Engineering Institute of Canada Awards
Engineers Canada Awards
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awards
University of Calgary: Diversity Awards
Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation: Claudette MacKay-Lassonde Graduate Award
APEGA Summit Award: Women in Engineering and Geoscience Champion
Johnson & Johnson: Women in STEM2D Scholars
AWSN: Minerva Mentoring Award
Engineers Canada: Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession
WEPAN Awards
Teaching Awards
UCalgary Writing Symbols Lodge: Rev. Dr. Chief John Snow Sr. Award
Calgary Killam Trust: McCaig-Killam Teaching Award
Baylor University: Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching
City of Calgary: Community Achievement Award for Education
UCalgary Sustainability Office Awards
Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning Awards
Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Awards
APEGA Summit Awards
Canadian Association of University Teachers: Lee Lorch Award
Engineers Canada Medal of Distinction in Engineering Education
International Federation of Engineering Education: Duncan Fraser Global Award for Excellence
ISSOTL Fellows Program
Canadian Engineering Education Association Awards
How we recognize Alumni, Community and Service Awards
Schulich School of Engineering website story
Recognition on the Schulich School of Engineering Awards website
Social media shout-out
Recognition in the Schulich Dean’s Message
Alumni Awards
UCalgary Women’s Resource Centre: Distinguished Alumna Award
UCalgary Alumni ARCH Awards
Schulich Alumni Awards
Service Awards
UCalgary: U Make a Difference
Engineers Canada: Meritorious Service Award for Professional Service