Orientation Week 2017

Common first year

Course selection

You don't have to worry what courses to pick when you start engineering. We've taken care of that for you. In your first year, you will take 10 courses in design, mathematics, science and engineering principles to prepare you for what's ahead.


We create class blocks to help you with scheduling. An advisor will assign you to a block, and enroll you in the assigned courses, this allows you to share your classes with the same group of students all year. It's our way of helping you form study groups and make friends from the very beginning.

Choosing your major

Following a first year that exposes you to all of the engineering majors we offer, you enter your program of choice in your second year. Our Engineering Student Centre is here for you, helping you decide which major, and potentially minor, to pursue.  

Read more about our majors

Guaranteed program placement

We offer guaranteed first choice of program to students who successfully complete all 10 technical common-core courses in their first year. No need to apply to enter the engineering discipline you want to pursue - the choice is yours.  

We're all about hands-on learning here. We build things in our classes like drawing devices or water filtration systems. If you learn best by doing, engineering at the University of Calgary is perfect for you. 

Kurt Blais

Recent engineering graduate

Fall course list

Calculus for Engineers and Scientists (Math 275)

Course description

Programming with Data (ENDG 233)

Course description

Linear Methods I (Math 211)

Course description

Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits and Machines (ENGG 225)

Course description

Fundamentals of Engineering Materials (ENGG 204) or General Chemistry for Engineers (CHEM 209)

Course description (ENGG 204)

Course description (CHEM 209)

Note: CHEM 209 is no longer an accepted curriculum course for students admitted to Common Core from Fall 2023 onwards.

Winter course list

Multivariable Calculus for Engineers and Scientists (MATH 277)

Course description

Engineering Statics (ENGG 202)

Course description

Electricity and Magnetism for Engineers (PHYS 259)

Course description

Fundamentals of Fluid Behaviour (ENGG 212) or Behaviour of Liquids, Gasses and Solids (ENGG 201)

Course description (ENGG 212)

Course description (ENGG 201)

Engineering Design and Innovation (ENGG 200)

Course description

Complimentary Studies (optional)