Selecting your major
Choose your path
It's time to decide what engineering major to pursue. We offer a selection of majors and a host of minors and specializations.
Prepare to Apply
Review our programs to decide which major you are most interested in. If you are considering a minor or specialization, check to ensure it is offered in combination with your preferred major.
Watch for a link called Engineering Program Selection to be added to the My U of C portal in the For Students section. An email from the Engineering Student Centre will include details when the link is active. This is where you will apply for your major, minor or specialization.
Using the Engineering Program Selection link, rank our seven programs from most-preferred to least-preferred. Second-year minors will also be ranked at this time. Program selection will be based on your grades, your preferences and on the expressed interest of other students.
Placement is made
Program placement is processed late in the spring term and placements are usually available in mid-June. For more information, contact the Engineering Student Centre.
You will apply for your major in the winter term of your first year of engineering using the steps outlined above.
The Engineering Student Centre will send you an email outlining how to apply. You will rank our seven programs from your most preferred to your least preferred and submit those rankings via the My U of C portal link provided.
We know that getting into the major of your choice is important. Students who successfully complete all 10 technical common-core courses (with an overall GPA of 2.0 or better) are guaranteed placement in the program/major of their choice.
You will be contacted by the Engineering Student Centre as soon as you have been placed in your program. Program placements are typically completed by mid-June.
The advisors at the Engineering Student Centre are here to help with any of your questions.