Alumni spotlight

Speaking of energy
Jackie Forrest is a Senior Director at the ARC Energy Research Institute. She actively monitors emerging strategic trends related to energy. She is an author and sought after public speaker that has published 20 public papers on energy issues. In 2018 she was awarded the Schulich School of Engineering Environment and Sustainability Alumni Award, recognizing her contribution to a significant body of knowledge that has helped to increase the understanding of the connection between energy and environment.
An engineer has a great skillset that can truly take their career wherever their interests and passions take them.
Jackie Forrest
Senior Director, ARC Energy Research Institute
What is your favourite memory from your time at U Calgary?
There were so many good memories, picking one is difficult. Engineering week activities and other social events were always a highlight, time with other students in the 3rd and 4th year homerooms, and the sense of accomplishment from finishing exams and another semester.
What was your favourite campus hang-out spot?
The Engineering Student’s Association, the engineering home rooms and Thursday’s at the Den. I also have many good memories from my time in the residence buildings (I lived in residence throughout my time at the University of Calgary).
What advice would you give your student self, knowing what you do now?
My time at Schulich School of Engineering was a great foundation for rest of my career and life. In the end, the people and networks I made are as important as the knowledge I gained. So, work hard but also make time to play hard. Make relationships with other students and your professors – these relationships will pay you dividends in the future.
How did your engineering degree help you get to where you are today?
My best career decision was attending Schulich School of Engineering. My education has been a foundation for any success that I have achieved. Schulich School of Engineering is unique because the professors and students keep in touch and care.
How has your career path evolved and changed since your graduation?
My career has taken me off the technical path, yet I believe my engineering degree continues to give me an advantage in my business orientated career. Engineering is a problem solving degree. It provides the confidence and skills to dissect any problem in a logical way from the bottoms up. An engineer has a great skillset that can truly take their career wherever their interests and passions take them.