2020 Internship Photo Contest
Whether you are finishing up your internship, have been working for a few months, or you are about to start your internship year, you are invited to participate in our annual Internship Photo Contest. We hope you will have some fantastic experiences that you would like to share.
Your adventures, learning, new sights and sounds, unique experiences – tell us all about them through pictures and videos. We want to share what you experienced with others and give students a glimpse of what they may have a chance to see and do on the job in the future.
Your participation in the photo and video contest is greatly appreciated and valued. There are great prizes for the top entries – and we want you to win one!
We always encourage students to “be in the action.” So, one tip: we love photos with people in them – even more if it’s YOU!
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the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If
you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, please visit our
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