2020 Supervisor Nomination
The Engineering Career Centre (ECC) is pleased to announce that nominations for the annual Employer Appreciation Recognition is now open. We want to recognize your supervisors and their organization for the contributions made in advancing students’ work integrated learning and providing real-world experiences for student learning and growth.
Reasons for Recognizing this Supervisor – the Support Statement:
We ask that you provide a description of how your supervisor has impacted your career development (maximum 1 page in length, included within the online nomination form). Include examples of how your supervisor has mentored you and helped you develop key skills and attributes. Areas for consideration based on the Schulich School of Engineering’s Strategic Plan goals for student success include:
· how your supervisor has supported your success through establishing new learning pathways within the employer organization;
· how your supervisor has supported your learning excellence;
· how your supervisor has demonstrated leadership and excellence within the internship experience;
· how your supervisor has encouraged interdisciplinary teamwork or extra-curricular involvement for professional growth.
Nominations have been extended to Aug. 15, 2020
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