Global engineering experiences

Global Department Experiences


Students in their second year with the Department of Civil Engineering can visit Singapore and explore the amazing infrastructure, unique feats of civil engineering and sight-see on this amazing city-state isle.

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Dates: Feb. 13 to 22, 2020

Cost: $750

Application deadline is Nov. 18, 2019


California: Aerospace 2020

Students in the second year of their undergraduate degree in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering can travel with their department on an aerospace journey of a lifetime. Visit the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Ames, Rocket Lab, Maxar Technologies and other locations near Los Angeles, San Jose and San Francisco. And, enjoy some cultural points of interest like the Museum of Contemporary Art, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Bridge and more! 

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Dates: Feb. 16 to 22, 2020

Cost: $500

Apply by Oct. 20, 2019

Visiting the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California

Denver, Colorado

Students in their second or third year of a Department of Geomatics Engineering degree can visit the beautiful Denver, Colorado. A tour of Trimble, Inc. with a geomatics alumna will give you insights into the core technologies in positioning, modeling, connectivity and data analytics being developed by industry.

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Dates: Feb. 16 to 22, 2020

Cost: $500

Application deadline is Nov. 30, 2019

Denver, Colorado

New Delhi, India

Second-year students in the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering can visit New Delhi, India for a six- to nine-day trip. Highlights include visits to chemical plants and a trip to the Taj Mahal.

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Dates: Feb. 13 to 23, 2020

Cost: $750

Application deadline is Nov. 30, 2019

New Delhi

Silicon Valley, USA

Second-year software and electrical engineering students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will be given priority for this six-day trip to the Silicon Valley. Students will visit IBM, Microsoft, Google, Intel, Cadence, Stanford University and the Computer History Museum.

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Dates: Feb. 16 to 22, 2020

Cost: $500

Application deadline is Dec. 15, 2019

Stanford University