Equipment and services
Microsystems Hub
Metrology and inspection
- Mitutoyo FS110 optical microscope with image capture (3D capability)
- Nikon Optiphot inspection microscope
- Nanometrics thin-film analysis tool
- Stereo microscope
- N-guage Desktop AFM
- Phenom Pro Desktop SEM
- Veeco Optical Profilometer
- Dextak Stylus Profilometer
Photolithography and wet processing
- SUSS MA/BA6 front and back mask aligner
- 4-foot polycarbonate KOH wet deck
- 8-foot polycarbonate multipurpose wet deck
- 4-foot stainless steel non-standard materials wet deck
- 6-foot stainless steel multipurpose wet deck
- 2 multipurpose Laurell spin coaters
- Kurt J. Lesker CMS-18 multi-source sputtering system
- Angstrom NexDep multi-source sputterer
- Trion reactive ion etcher with inductively coupled plasma source
- Specta-Physics femtosecond laser micro-machining system
- BOSS CO2 Laser
Substrate preparation and storage
- Ultrasonic cleaning station
- Dump rinser
- Critical point dryer
- YES HMDS oven
- Convection drying oven
- Semitool spin-rinse dryer
- Nitrogen storage cabinet
- Thermolyne Benchtop 1100 C Muffle Furnace, 1.3 litre capacity
Femtosecond laser material processing (FLMP)
- Custom-built FLMP (2.5 W, 1kHz, 100 fs)
- Accurate and precise motion control over a 150 mm × 150 mm area
- Fabricates micro-and nano-technology systems not easily developed with traditional methods
- High-precision laser beam
- Machines complex patterns with a CNC motion
- Eliminates need for expensive photomasks, chemical etching or high vacuum systems
- Fast processing speed
Class 100/ISO 5 Cleanroom
This cleanroom contains pristine air - no more than 100 particles (.5+ microns) per cubic metre. The air we breath in a typical urban environment has 300,000 particles per cubic metre. Access our main wet-processing area and a controlled, yellow-light environment - for light-sensitive materials and photolithography.
Class 1,000/ISO 6 Cleanroom
Access a range of integration, coating, patterning, and inspection tools. This includes both contact and non-contact profilometry, desktop SEM and AFM, and thin film deposition. Additional wet processing and dry-etching facilities are also available.