Funding resources and rates

Microsystems Hub

Funding resources

CNC Microsystems MNT Award

Covers up to 80 per cent of custom microfabrication projects (Up to $4000) at open-access facilities like ours.

NSERC research grants

Partner with us on research through an NSERC Alliance Grant.

Innovation resources across Canada

PRIMA Quebec

Alberta Innovates Micro Voucher

Microsystems Hub rates

If you're already funded, we offer your research project fee-for-service access to our equipment and services.

4-Point-Probe (Ossilla) $             25.00 $       60.00
Atomic Force Microscope (nGauge) $             30.00 $       75.00
Basic Optical Microscope (Class 100) $             15.00 $       40.00
Business Development/Tech Support/CAD Development $             50.00 $     100.00
Calibrated Imaging/Measurement Microscope $             30.00 $       60.00
150W CO2 Laser System (BOSSLaser)  $             25.00 $       35.00
Multi-Source Plasma Sputterer (Angstrom) $             40.00 $     100.00
Desktop SEM $             40.00 $     100.00
Maskless Writer $             25.00 $       60.00
Stylus Profilometer $             35.00 $       90.00
CNC Milling mahcine $             15.00 $       40.00
Convection Oven (Boekel 107801) $             20.00 $       55.00
Critical Point Dryer (Tousimis) $             40.00 $       90.00
Dicing Saw with Wafer Mounter (Disco DAD123) $             50.00 $     100.00
Electroplating System with Wet Deck $             40.00 $     100.00
Femtosecond Laser System $             25.00 $       35.00
HMDS Oven (YES-310TA) $             25.00 $       55.00
ICP Reactive Ion Etching - Trion (currently offline) $             40.00 $     100.00
Muffle Furnace (Thermo Scientific FB1415M) $             20.00 $       55.00
Multi-Source Plasma Sputterer (KJL CMS-18) $             40.00 $     100.00
Non-Standard Coatings Station (Laurell) $             65.00 $     100.00
Optical Profilometer (Wyko Veeco NT1100) $             35.00 $       55.00
Orientation $             90.00 $     100.00
Photolithography Mask Aligner (SUSS MA/BA6) $             40.00 $       95.00
Photolithography Suite (Spin, Bake, Expose, Develop)  $           100.00 $     175.00
Photoresist Spin Coating (Laurell) $             35.00 $     100.00
Physical Stylus Profilometer (Tencor P6) $             35.00 $       90.00
Reflectometry Thin Film Measurement (Nanometrics) $             20.00 $       55.00
Spin Rinse Dryer $             15.00 $       30.00
Training $             65.00 $     100.00
Vacuum Chamber Sealing Station $             15.00 $       30.00
Wet Deck (Class 100) $             40.00 $     100.00
Wet Deck (KOH) $             45.00 $     100.00