Reflecting on My Time in the Studio
Stories from the Studio
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Learning in the Studio
The leaves are falling, temperatures are dipping and the halls are buzzing with students. At the Schulich School of Engineering that can only mean one thing: the fall semester is upon us.
This year we’re excited to be welcoming over 1,100 incoming undergraduate students. They’ll experience everything our faculty has to offer, including an introduction to Schulich Studio.
Right: working with real engineering tools in the Studio
Schulich Studio is a reference to the physical space students will learn engineering concepts in, but also a way of learning that is unique to Schulich. It’s hands-on. It’s immersive. It’s an opportunity to collaborate, solve problems and work with your classmates to solve problems.
For third-year mechanical engineering student Rayna Dietz, the Schulich Studio model of learning was new. While she admits it had its challenges, she attributes her success in first-year to connecting with her classmates.
They say that “teamwork makes the dream work” and Schulich Studio certainly gives you many opportunities to work together on projects.
Having been a student in the Studio, it’s a totally different learning experience than anything you have probably ever seen before – and it starts with how much you get to interact with your peers.
Rayna Dietz
Undergraduate Student, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
I remember going through junior high and high school, sitting in my seat while quietly (and frantically) writing notes as my teachers talked about the subject material.
In the Studio, you’re getting involved with demonstrations and labs, talking and collaborating with your fellow classmates, just like you would if you were on the job site. Your “homework” might be watching a video or reading some text, so that the next day, you’re going to class looking to practice what you have learned.
It’s an interesting way to learn, but it provides so much opportunity for problem-solving and feedback as you work through conflicts and challenges together with your teammates and teachers.
The Schulich Studio experience will prove to be so beneficial for you in the future, as you get hands-on experience that will lend itself well to your future years here at Schulich and as you head into the work world doing real engineering.

Rayna Dietz, Undergraduate Student, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering