Engineering for the environment
Research in this theme
Some exciting research crosses all four of our overarching themes:
Advanced materials and nanotechnology
Artificial intelligence and data analytics
Systems engineering
Engineering education
Results for:
Assistant ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software EngineeringAI for 6G , Wireless Sensing and IoT, Immersive & Multi-Sensory Communications
Department HeadSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineeringwater and wastewater treatment, advanced oxidative processes, photocatalysis, soil remediation
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringImproved recoveries from naturally fractured, tight and shale reservoirs
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Associate ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringBiological carbon capture and conversion; Biomaterials; Microalgal Biotechnology; Oleochemicals
Full ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringAir emission monitoring, Air pollution studies
Assistant ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software EngineeringPower electronics for high-impact applications
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringEnergy and Materials Science, Lab Equipment, Simulation / Modelling / Data Analytics
Assistant ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software EngineeringTransportation Electrification, Solid-State Transformers, Modular Multilevel Converters
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringThermophysical & Transport Property Measurements, Solvent-Aided Thermal Recovery of Heavy Oil & Bitumen, Fluid Phase Equilibria, Geological Storage of CO2, Hydrogen Storage, Unstable Flows, Geothermal Energy Recovery, Methane Emissions
Assistant ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Civil EngineeringTravel behaviour and demand analysis, Consumer choice econometrics, Spatial econometrics, Stated preference survey methods, Transportation and land use policy, Energy and sustainability policy
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringCatalysis and sustainable development
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringNanotechnology; Environmental remediation; Enhanced oil recovery; Wastewater treatment; Well fluids
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Geomatics EngineeringGeohazard and Geodynamics, Subsurface Modeling, Directional Drilling
Associate ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringNumerical Framework for Aerospace, Marine/Offshore Applications, Wind Energy, Stratified Flows, Damage Prediction in Composites
Associate ProfessorWerklund School of Education, Specialization, LeadershipScholarly Activity, Interests:
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Geomatics Engineering
Associate ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringInterfacial and surface sciences applicable in energy and environment, Biomimetic materials and naturally derived polymer materials for energy and environment, Nanomaterials (2D, 3D, composites) and nanotechnology for energy and environment
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringChemical engineering; Energy and environmental engineering
Assistant Professor (Teaching)Schulich School of Engineering, Sustainable Systems EngineeringDesign Justice, Decolonizing Engineering, Queering Engineering, Feminist Engineering, Sustainable Systems Engineering
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Civil EngineeringMethane Hydrate; Energy Resource; Recovery, Fracture Propagation; Oil and Gas Fields; Horizontal Wells
Associate Head - UndergraduateSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Geomatics EngineeringGeodesy and Earth observation with spaceborn technologies, Climate changes, Engineering Education and Innovation Teaching
ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringElectrochemical processes for water treatment, batteries and fuel cells.
Full ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringHeterogeneous catalysis and its application in clean energy conversion and environmental control
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