Anik Islam

Dr. Anik Islam



Postdoctoral Asosciate

University of Calgary

Contact information

Web presence


Office: ICT435


Educational Background

PhD IT convergence Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, 2021


Dr. Anik Islam has earned his Ph.D. in IT Convergence Engineering through dedicated research conducted at the Wireless and Emerging Network System Laboratory (WENS Lab) situated at Kumoh National Institute of Technology (KIT) in South Korea. Currently, he holds the position of a Postdoctoral Associate at the esteemed University of Calgary in Canada. Dr. Islam's academic journey began with his pursuit of a Master of Science degree and a Bachelor of Science degree, both of which he successfully attained at the American International University Bangladesh (AIUB). Dr. Islam's academic and research pursuits are characterized by a diverse and multidisciplinary range of interests. His primary areas of expertise encompass blockchain technology, the Internet of Things (IoT), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), deep learning, transfer learning, federated learning, meta learning, edge computing, and distributed systems.


Areas of Research

Unmanned Any Vehicle, Federated Learning, Meta Learning, Transfer Learning, Digital Twin, Internet of Things, Edge Computing, Blockchain
