Schulich Convocation

Alumni spotlights

Proudly sponsored by TD Insurance

Alumni Spotlight of the Month

Brennan O'Yeung BSc (Eng)'22 (Mechanical Engineering)

Brennan O'Yeung’s love of board games started as a preschooler with Snakes and Ladders. In elementary school, he’d play Monopoly with his family and always wanted to be the banker. 

“I was the one managing payments for everyone – when a property was bought or rent was owed, I had to give the correct change. I had to always keep my eye on the money,” says O’Yeung. The game not only kickstarted his math skills, he says, it also helped shape his “entrepreneurial journey.”

And what a trip he’s having.

Brennan O'Yeung BSc (Eng)'22 (Mechanical Engineering)

Brennan O'Yeung BSc (Eng)'22 (Mechanical Engineering)

Want to read more Alumni stories? Check out our recent graduate stories!