Minor in Aerospace Engineering
Designing and developing the aircraft and spacecraft of tomorrow.
Offered in collaboration with one of the following engineering majors:
Available in second year with Electrical (ENEL), Geomatics (ENGO), Mechanical (ENME) and Software (ENSF).
This minor will allow you to pursue your chosen major through an aerospace engineering lens. You will be introduced to aircraft design, deepen your knowledge of computer programming, and experiment with sensors, instrumentation and avionics.
If you are considering a career in research, aerospace and defense, or the design and application of drone technology, this program is for you. You could end up addressing key issues such as: designing novel aircraft systems for a new, green aerospace industry, connecting people and goods more efficiently to meet demands in a globalized world, using crewless aerial vehicles to test novel systems and more.
Globally, aerospace is experiencing fast growth in new areas such as autonomous systems. Alberta has some of the world's best flight test ranges for vehicle development. And, Calgary is home to an impressive variety of aerospace companies. This minor sets you up with in-demand skills and an exciting career - here or across the world.
Dr. Craig Johansen, PhD
Schulich Research Chair in Aerospace Engineering