employers - managing from home

Resources for employers

Working and learning from home

Remote project management

If you're managing projects from home, this is your chance to innovate and improve existing processes, while fostering a collaborative culture in your team. 

Get started with the basics

Resources and tips

Ways to foster effective communication

Resources and tips

How to provide virtual support

Resources and tips

Virtual recruitment

COVID-19 presents an unprecedented challenge for recruiting new interns and practicum students - your potential future employees. By adapting to virtual hiring practices, you can keep your recruitment funnel moving during this uncertain time. 

Online job posting and applicant selection

Resources and tips

How to conduct a virtual interview

Resources and tips

Anatomy of a virtual job offer

Resources and tips

Learning and working remotely

Contact us for more information:


The Engineering Career Centre supports your virtual-hiring efforts

From connecting you with candidates to scheduling interviews and supporting offers - the Engineering Career Centre is here to support you through every stage of the virtual-hiring process.

Post jobs on our CareerLink system

Simply email us your job postings at ecc@ucalgary.ca

Receive bundles of applications

We'll send you a number of applications at once for your intern and practicum job postings

Build you an interview schedule

We can coordinate with students on your behalf to conveniently schedule virtual job interviews

Set up virtual meetings

We can provide candidates with links to the virtual meeting platform of your choice (Skype, Zoom, Webex, etc.)

Virtual onboarding of new employees

It can be a challenge to onboard an employee remotely. Do they have the equipment they need? What resources can you offer them regarding company policies and training? How can you introduce them to your office culture?

Here are some tips and tricks to help you set your employee up for success. 

Head back to our main page for more info on remote learning and working